Assessing information needs : tools and techniques / David Nicholas. - London : Aslib, January 1997. - 60p. ; 23cm. - ISBN 0 85142 385 X.
Competing with knowledge : the information professional in the knowledge management age / Angela Abell and Nigel Oxbrow. - London : Library Association in association with TFPL, March 2001. - 288p. - ISBN 1-85604-339-8 : £37.50
The fourth resource : information and its management / edited by David P. Best. - Aldershot : Gower, 1996. - 166p. ; 23cm. - ISBN 0 566 07696 9.
Great information disasters / edited by Forest W. Horton and Dennis Lewis. - London : Aslib, 1991. - 218p. ; 24cm. - ISBN 0 85142 255 1.
"Twelve fascinating examples of how mismanagement of information leads to human misery, political misfortune and business failure."
The high cost of not finding information / Susan Feldman. - KMWorld, vol.13, issue 3, March 2004
InfoMap : a complete guide to discovering corporate information resources / Cornelius F. Burk, Jr., and Forest W. Horton, Jr. - Washington, D.C. : Information Management Press, 1991. - isbn 0-9606408-6-X : US$42.95. - (Originally published, Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1988).
Information as a corporate resource : moving to centre stage / by Angela Abell. - Records Management Bulletin, December 1996, issue no.77, p.9-12.
Information architecture resources / Jesse James Garrett. - [Accessed 2000-10-12]
List of Internet resources on information architecture, which the author defines as "structural design of the information space to facilitate intuitive access to content", particularly in relation to Web site design and organisation to make it easy to find information.
Information as an asset : the board agenda / The Hawley Committee ; a consultative document for chairmen, chief executives and boards of directors developed on behalf of the KPMG IMPACT Programme by a committee under the chairmanship of Dr Robert Hawley, chief executive of Nuclear Electric plc. - London : KPMG, 1995. [1] : A consultative report. - 30p. ; 30cm. [2] : Checklist and explanatory notes. - 16p. ; 23cm.
The information audit : an important management tool / Katherine Bertolucci. - Managing Information, June 1996, vol.3, no.6, p.34-35.
A brief account of the value, nature and procedures of an information audit.
Information culture and business performance / edited by Anne Grimshaw. - Hatfield : University of Hertfordshire Press. - ISBN 0 900458 62 3. - (Information strategy, ISSN 1345-5698 ; Report 2)
Includes BL R&D Report 6127 by Angela Abell and Vivienne Winterman, and additional papers.
Information in organisations: directions for information management / Joyce Kirk. - Information Research, Volume 4 No. 3 February 1999
The work of managers in small and medium-sized enterprises is very information-intensive and the environment in which it is done is very information rich. But are managers able to exploit the wealth of information which surrounds them? And how can information be managed in organisations so that its potential for improving business performance and enhancing the competitiveness of these enterprises can be realised? Answers to these questions lie in clarifying the context of the practice of information management by exploring aspects of organisations and managerial work and in exploring the nature of information at the level of the organisation and the individual manager. From these answers it is possible to suggest some guidelines for managing the integration of business strategy and information, the adoption of a broadly-based definition of information and the development of information capabilities. - Author's abstract
Information management : a consolidation of operations, analysis and strategy / Michael Middleton. - Wagga Wagga, NSW: Charles Sturt University, Centre for Information Studies, 2002. - (Topics in Australasian library and information studies ; no. 18). ISSN: 1030-5009. ISBN: 1876938366.
Available for purchase as pdf file. Information management as a discipline has become more prominent in recent times as enterprises seek effective ways to make use of corporate knowledge. It is now understood that this requires more than use of technology. Professionals with responsibilities in such areas as knowledge utilisation, strategic planning, records and archives systems, business analysis, libraries and data warehouses, have expressed information management strategies. They normally try to articulate approaches to dealing with organising and distributing information with attention to quality, or to determining needs of information users, or to analysing an environment that values the information and knowledge as resources and accordingly builds them into corporate planning. Most works have examined one of these areas without attending to the relationships between them. The principles have been confined to viewpoint of particular disciplines, or to particular levels of exploration. 'Information Management' extends the analysis from several perspectives. It consolidates material into a coherent framework of principles at operational, analytical and strategic levels that provides both an introduction to the field in general for students and a handbook for professionals. Michael Middleton teaches information management in the School of Information Systems at Queensland University of Technology; his research interests in QUT's Information Systems Management Research Group are in information use analysis. - [Abstract from publisher's web site] Review.
Information management : from strategies to action 2 / edited by Blaise Cronin. - London : Aslib, 1992. - 222p. ; 23cm. - ISBN 0 85142 281 0.
Information management and library science : a guide to the literature / Ray Prytherch. - Aldershot : Gower, 1993. - 332p. - ISBN 0 566 07467 2.
Information management for business / Allan Taylor, Stephen Farrell. - London : Aslib, 1994. - 170p. ; 23cm. - ISBN 0 85142 313 2.
Information management in museums / Elizabeth Orna and Charles Pettitt. - Aldershot : Gower, January 1998. 304p. ; 24cm. - ISBN 0 566 07776 0.
"Exploring issues such as meeting the needs of users, human resources and training, how to choose a computer system and how to achieve integrated management of information in the context of new technology, multimedia and the Internet, the book presents plenty of practical advice. 19 case studies . . ." - Publishers' leaflet.
Information management report : an international newsletter for information professionals and librarians / editor: Ray Prytherch. - Kidlington, Oxford : Elsevier Advanced Technology. - 30cm. - Monthly. - ISSN 0961-7612.
An information model of organization / David Kaye. - Managing Information, June 1996, vol.3, no.6, p.19-21.
A brief review, with 14 references, of work in organisation science and cognitive psychology of interest to information management.
Information retrieval design : principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, and indexes / by James D. Anderson and Jose Perez-Carballo. - St. Petersburg, Fla. : Ometeca Institute ; East Brunswick, N.J. (302 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816) : Distributed by University Publishing Solutions, 2005. - xiv, 617 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Includes glossary (p. 543-566), bibliography (p. 567-590) and index (p. 591-616). - ISBN 1-59271-945-7 (trade paper); ISBN 1-59271-945-7 (cloth library edition)
Full text, marked "draft", available at
Information strategy in practice / Elizabeth Orna. - Aldershot : Gower, 2004. - 164p. - ISBN 0 566 08579 4. - £35.
"A reliable and comprehensive account of the key processes involved in developing organizational information policy and strategy, with realistic suggestions on carrying them through, grounded in real-life experience, with practical examples" - Publishers' leaflet Sample chapter can be downloaded from the Publishers' website.
Integrated information systems / edited by Michael Brittain. - London : Taylor Graham, 1992. - 100p ; 23cm. - (British Library R&D Report ; 6054). - ISBN 0 947568 53 0.
"This book describes research into the problems and possible solutions associated with the implementation of integrated information systems in UK organisations, carried out from the Department of Library and Information Studies at Loughborough University in 1990. The major part of the evidence collected is presented in the form of a number of case studies . . ." - Introduction
Integrating corporate information services / by Ian Day. - Records Management Bulletin, December 1996, issue no.77, p.3-7.
Arguments and possibilities for integration, with examples from the author's organisation, the British Medical Association.
The intellectual foundation of information organization / Elaine Svenonius . - Massachussets : MIT Press, 2000 . - 264p. - ISBN 0-262-19433-3
Integrating the disparate disciplines of descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, indexing, and classification, the book adopts a conceptual framework that views the process of organizing information as the use of a special language of description called a bibliographic language. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is an analytic discussion of the intellectual foundation of information organization. The second part moves from generalities to particulars, presenting an overview of three bibliographic languages: work languages, document languages, and subject languages. It looks at these languages in terms of their vocabulary, semantics, and syntax. The book is written in an exceptionally clear style, at a level that makes it understandable to those outside the discipline of library and information science. - [Publisher's blurb]
Introducing information management : an information research reader / edited by Elena Macevici t and T D Wilson. - London : Facet Publishing, 2005. - 256p. - ISBN 1-85604-561-7 (hardback) £39.95 (£31.96 to CILIP Members)
Information management has exploded in importance in recent years and yet until now there has been no Reader to introduce students to the subject. This comprehensive international collection introduces the reader to the common topics and methodologies used in teaching Information Management, broadly: information behaviour; environmental scanning and decision-making; KM; and information strategy. These peer-reviewed papers represent an elite selection from the respected Information Research journal, each carefully updated to take into account recent developments. - [Publisher's Web page.]
An introduction to information management / David Aspinall. - London : British Standards Institution, 2004. - 76p. ; 21cm. - ISBN 0 580 43348 X : £25. - (BSI order ref BIP 0004)
This publication takes a detailed look at what to consider when implementing information management techniques within an organization. It describes a clear process; from the initial organizational analysis, to the final review. It provides an overview of why information and records are important, the sort of information you need to accumulate and how to introduce a change management process to meet current and future legislative, cultural and business needs.
Contents: Introduction; A world of information; Why we need to worry!; Information management today; The Government agenda; An immediate survival guide; Ensuring ongoing compliance - [Publisher's Web page.]
Making knowledge visible : communicating knowledge through information products / Elizabeth Orna. - Aldershot : Gower, 2005. - 212p. - Hardback : ISBN 0 566 08562 3, £65; paperback : ISBN 0 566 08563 1, £29.95.
Contents : Foreword. Part 1 Basic Ideas: Before we begin; No business without information products. Part 2 Information Products in the Organisational Context: Introduction - The context of information products; The business of the organisation; The value that IPs add (and subtract); The stakeholders and their interests. Part 3 In Support of IPs; Introduction; Knowledge and information management in support of IPs; Infrastructure for IPs: information systems, technology tools; Information design, reconciler of conflicting constraints. Part 4 Action for IP Value - a Practical Process: Introduction; An information auditing approach; Making a start; Auditing information products; Into action for value from IPs; Index- Publishers' web site. Sample chapter can be downloaded from the Publishers' website.
Managing information / Hugh Garai. - Aldershot : Gower, 1997. - 224p. ; 25cm. - ISBN 0 56 07740 X.
"This workbook will show you how to achive more by doing less, and introduce you to ways of thinking and acting that will help you to create a new framework for information handling . . ." - Publisher's leaflet.
Managing information. - London : Aslib, 1994- . Published ten times per year. - ISSN 1352-0229. - There are associated Web pages and a free weekly email Managing information newsletter.
Managing information as a corporate resource : proceedings of an Aslib conference, November 1995. - London : Aslib, 1995. - 285p. ; 30cm. - ISBN 0 85142 375 2.
The nonsense of 'knowledge management' / T.D. Wilson. - Information Research, Vol. 8 No. 1, October 2002, paper no. 144.
Examines critically the origins and basis of 'knowledge management', its components and its development as a field of consultancy practice. Problems in the distinction between 'knowledge' and 'information' are explored, as well as Polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing'. The concept is examined in the journal literature, the Web sites of consultancy companies, and in the presentation of business schools. The conclusion is reached that 'knowledge management' is an umbrella term for a variety of organizational activities, none of which are concerned with the management of knowledge. Those activities that are not concerned with the management of information are concerned with the management of work practices, in the expectation that changes in such areas as communication practice will enable information sharing. - Author's abstract
Organizing information : principles of data base and retrieval systems / Dagobert Soergel. - Orlando, Fl. : Academic Press, 1985. - 450 p.
Organizing knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information / by Jennifer Rowley and John Farrow. - Aldershot : Gower, 2000. - ISBN 0-566-08047-8. - £25.
Organising knowledge : taxonomies, knowledge and organisational effectiveness / Patrick Lambe, - Oxford : Chandos, 2007. - 277p. - ISBN (paperback) :1-84334-227-8 39.95; ISBN (hardback) 1-84334-228-6, £57.00
Taxonomies are often thought to play a niche role within content-oriented knowledge management projects. They are thought to be 'nice to have' but not essential. In this groundbreaking book, Patrick Lambe shows how they play an integral role in helping organizations coordinate and communicate effectively. Through a series of case studies, he demonstrates the range of ways in which taxonomies can help organizations to leverage and articulate their knowledge. A step-by-step guide in the book to running a taxonomy project is full of practical advice for knowledge managers and business owners alike. - Publisher's catalogue page.
Author's description and contents list.
Practical information policies : how to manage information flow in organizations / Elizabeth Orna. - 2nd edition. - Aldershot : Gower, 1999. - 376p. - ISBN 0 566 07693 4.
Principles of good practice for information management / Bill Mayon-White and Bernard Dyer. - Version 2. - London : British Standards Institution, DISC, 1997. (PD0010). - £25.00.
Strategic information management : challenges and strategies in managing information systems / edited by R. D. Galliers and B. S. H. Baker. - Butterworth-Heinemann, [1995?].
Comprises 17 papers, some from the 1980s. Appears to focus on strategy for the use of computer systems in business rather than matters of principle in the organisation of information. - Review by Chris Robbins in Computing, 1st June 1995, p.41.
Technology and management in library and information services / F. W. Lancaster and Beth Sandore. - London : Library Association, 1997. - 320p. - ISBN 0 85604 222 7.
[Examines] not only the management of technology but [also] the potential of computer and related technologies to facilitate or improve management. - Publishers' brochure
Use your knowledge : CIOs need to focus on developing their skills in information management / Sharm Manwani. - Computing Business, 18 May 2006
An article about the importance of information management rather than just information technology. Discusses the setting up of the Information Management Profession (IMP) group in 2004, and contains two case studies, of Yell directory services and the Metropolitan Police Service.
The value and impact of information / edited by M. Feeney and M. Grieves. - London : Bowker Saur, 1994. - ISBN 1 85739 084 9.
A collection of papers based on a series of Information Policy Briefings organized by the British Library Research and Development Department.
The value of information to the intelligent organisation. - Hatfield : University of Hertfordshire Press, 1994. - ISBN 0 900458 54 2. - (Key issues in the information business, ISSN 1354-6570 ; vol.4)
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